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A project I worked for a client that requested an album cover for their band Onipixel. Main key pillars that were requested from the client were to have a "Oni girl" holding an "Oni Mask" with spider lilies to accompany the character.  

Onipixel_0605 wallpaper.jpg
Onipixel_0605 wallpaper.jpg

Finished product in a form of splash art for the website use for their digital release.

thumbnailing: HOrn exploration

Started off with the brainstorming process where I started on the exploration process of the horns  to figure out the attitude of the Oni girl in focus.  I felt by figuring out the horn design, the client and I can talk about how he interpreted each horns and which one felt "passive aggressive" to him.  I thumb-nailed 12 designs to mix and match to narrow down the right feeling.  

Thumbnail Exploration


Combinated choices that the client liked and combined designs



I wanted to express the different feel for different horns statement with my client and gave him couple compositions to look at and he really liked the left composition but wanted the BLADE HORN (A.) design. In my composition, I wanted to incorporate a framing device that was in the shape of the spider lily in profile view that can act as a sleeve for the album fold illustration.


Color and detailing

Once the composition was set, I went into coloring and detailing keeping updates with the client and adjusting the requested areas of fix.  Final addition of the  frames that is planned to be printed on a transparent plastic sheet acts as a sleeve to the album illustration portion. 

Onipixel progress shot.jpg
Onipixel_0605_font textured_final_nofram
Onipixel_0605_adjusted logo.jpg
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