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Bedouin Assassin Concept

Concept WORK


This project was a Concept Art Test Request from Bao Lam. 
The request included:

          -Development of a female character wielding a whip with high heels to show elegance garbed in European armor and Bedouin influenced fashion. 

Concept phase 1: silhouette 

Started off by developing shapes using silhouettes to draft out designs that reads well just with the silhouette.

         - With strong silhouette our eyes can have an overall read just by glancing at it.


phase 2: Blocking in shapes with gray

Blocking in details with shapes using gray tones helps it detail overall design choices according to the pillars of the prompt and find balance of what may work for progressing to select the right design to fit it.


The following 3 designs were refined and put to test with which design works best.  Chose 2 to proceed to the character variation phase.


phase 3: Character Variation and coloring

After narrowing down to 1 design, I went to develop 3 variations of possible look to this character.


Once I found which design I liked the most, I moved forward into coloring selecting primary colors, secondary colors, tertiary colors, and accent colors to fit the proper feel for this character.

Finalized design for illustration

Finalized design ready to be given to client to be approved for development.  

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